
Susan’s practice provides a range of solution orientated Consultation and Advocacy services. With each Service, Susan demystifies the educational process and provides practical advice about how parents can ensure that their child’s educational needs are being met.


Along with her Advocacy Training by the Federation for Children with Special Needs, Susan brings with her extensive experience in human services, teaching, assessment, and administration. Susan has attended over 500 TEAM meetings and is up to date on current trends in teaching and educational law. Whether it is for the purpose of special education, […]

Educational Consulting

Susan provides educational consulting to parents whose children are struggling in school. The parent may feel that the school is not meeting the child’s needs or they are confused about how to navigate the complexity of today’s educational system. Whether your child has been evaluated and he/she was found ineligible for special education services, or […]

Records Review

Whether you have a handful of records or a box full, Susan will read and synthesize the records into a 3-5 page report that takes into account your child’s school history, strengths and areas of need. This review will assist in noting patterns and discrepancies regarding your child’s school history, skill development and assessments. The […]


When a parent chooses to reject any part of an IEP, Susan can arrange for a “Supported Team Meeting” and/or Mediation. Susan will attend mediations with parents and make all efforts to negotiate disagreements and prevent BSEA Hearings. If a hearing is necessary, Susan will refer the client to a respected attorney. If the client […]

Observation & Placement

The federal IDEA Law (Individuals with Disabilities and Education Act) states that all students are entitled to a free and appropriate education (FAPE) in the least restrictive setting. Determining placement is not always easily, and for some students, placement in the General Education Classroom is not appropriate. Susan will help facilitate the Placement process by […]

Test Administration and Interpretation

Susan is an experienced diagnostician with experience in administering and interpreting several testing instruments including Woodcock Johnson Achievement and Cognitive Batteries (WJ-R), Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT), Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children IV (WISC-IV), Gray Oral Reading Test-4 (GORT-4), Key Math, and several others. Susan can complete a comprehensive evaluation or provide parents with help […]


If Susan is not able to meet a current or potential client’s needs, she will gladly refer the client to another professional. Susan works with several therapists, neuropsychologists, school placement experts, attorneys and coaches to whom she often refers. Susan often works in tandem with these professionals to provide comprehensive services.